Kathleen Noonan is a Brisbane-based journalist and columnist. She has written a weekly opinion column ‘’Last Word’’ in Saturday’s Courier-Mail for 13 years.
Raised on a farm amid paddocks of sugarcane in north Queensland, Kathleen did her early news reporting in the Mackay district.
After reporting in South Africa through the dying years of apartheid and release of Nelson Mandela, and a stint travelling and writing in the UK, Kathleen returned home, working as a freelance journalist for publications including The Australian. She returned to The Courier-Mail as a news reporter, sub-editor, section head & senior features writer.
Her weekly column explores everything from love, death, books, running, music, poetry, teachers, refugees and chooks.
She is also chair of the Second Chance committee, the only charity in Australia that raises money exclusively for homeless women. It helps fund crisis accommodation for elderly women, young teenagers with babies, and at-risk women and children in Queensland’s domestic violence shelters.